Plant Care
Plants are like people; They have preferences and quirks just like us and we’re here to help you get to know them!
We know there is a lot of information, and our team is here to help. We do our best to continue to learn more everyday; we hope this information gives you a starting point and helps foster curiosity and discussion.
Plant Dr.
We offer potting services and soil-refreshments for items purchased in store.
Due to changes in demand and operational costs we are no longer able to provide the Plant Dr. services at Propagate. We will continue to offer soil refreshing and re-potting of in store purchased plants.

Keep Growing: Moss Poles

Plant Lab Discussion: Houseplant Toxicity & Pet Friendly Plants

Plant Care 101: Repotting (Advice, Tips & Methods)

Plant Care 101: Plant Food! (Fertilizers)

Plant Lab Tips: Winter
With the arrival of winter, the Plant Lab has a few more tips for plant parents!

Plant Care 101: Soil Info

Plant Care 101: Supplement Your Environment

Plant Lab Tips: Fall
With the arrival of fall/winter, the Plant Lab has a few tips for plant parents:

Plant Care 101: Light Tolerance & Variance
At the risk of information overload, the most important point we like to make is that bright indirect light is a good target for light. Plants will grow faster, be more full, and if they can, may even flower when given sufficient light.

Plant Care 101: Watering
One of the more common causes of issues we see in the Plant Lab is overwatering. If there’s anything everyone knows plants need, it's water. We want to help our plants grow, so we give them water on self-care Sunday, right? Not quite. H2O is tricky stuff!

Plant Care 101: Indoor Houseplants
This is the first part of a series we have put together to help you on your path to keeping your houseplants happy! This post is intended to give you a solid foundation and equip you with some knowledge that will continue to grow as you learn through future discussions, experience and experimentation.

Ficus Elastica | ‘Rubber Tree’
This hardy plant will thrive in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium light and a few hours of direct sun.

Alocasia Polly
This plant will thrive in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium light and direct east facing sun exposure for a couple hours.

Monstera Deliciosa
Common Names: Split Leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant, Fruit Basket Plant